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CMS Web Hosting Companies

Web hosting companies below are listed in alphabetical order. Web hosting companies can be filtered according to your desired need by clicking on the corresponding tag.

The Schurtek Group

The Schurtek Group offers self-contained website solutions. No more paying a webmaster what you can now do for yourself, bringing down the total cost of ownership for your company's website.

Hub Host

Reliable web hosting at affordable prices. Everything you need to get your personal or business website online with ease. Includes FTP, email, webmail, databases, domain registration. Try it for Free.

Magna Inventus

At Magna Inventus we offer professional Web Applications, Mobile Applications, Consultancy, System Integration, Network Security and Project Management services

Anderson Networks

UNIX and Linux Support and Troubleshooting, Internet Domain Hosting, Website Design and Software Projects. Hosted domains are incrementally backed up several times daily.

Tags: unix | html5 | php | cms | css3 | linux | responsive

Reliable and Robust I.T Solutions

Reliable and Robust I.T Solutions The Home of Sound and Reliable web hosting, graphic design, web desing and software development solutions for all types of organisation.

Chyka Host

Our company allows clients to host their websites on non-oversold disk space. We offer a wide variety of CMS solutions for our clients to create their websites, as well as a website creation service.

If you wish to list your web hosting company in the Web Hosting Directory of South Africa, please visit the Web Host Submission page to review the various options available to your web hosting company and submit the relevant registration information.